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Birchgrove Primary Welcome

Criw Cymraeg blog

Mai 2022

We are so pleased that assemblies are now back at Ysgol Gellifedw! Criw Cymraeg have been meeting to choose patrwm yr wythnos (sentence pattern of the week) to introduce during Gold Leaf assembly. You can watch the video on the school homepage and use the patrwm at home. 

Now that we can all share our achievements on a Friday, Year 2-6 are being rewarded with a tocyn aur each time they use patrwm yr wythnos or use their impressive Welsh skills!

Please look at Twitter on a Friday to find out which class has won a trophy for the most tocyn aur. 


Ebrill 2022

Criw Cymraeg are very excited to announce that Ysgol Gellifedw are working towards their Silver Award for the Siarter Iaith. We will be working towards many targets to help us maintain our use of Welsh across the school. You can access a variety of resources for both children and parents on the Siarter Iaith page. > Click here.


Mawrth 2022

Criw Cymraeg were so pleased to see the effort everyone made for St David's Day. Diolch to Mrs Mullan for helping us celebrate by leading Welsh folkdance sessions. 


Well done to everyone that entered the Birchgrove flag competition. We were really impressed with the designs.

Congratulations to the 3 winners, it was a difficult task choosing the winner from each phase. 

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