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Birchgrove Primary Welcome

ALN and Universal Provision at Birchgrove

Fully Inclusive

At Birchgrove Primary School, everyone works together to ensure all of our learners feel valued and listened to so that they get the right support to help them learn, develop their talents and achieve their goals. Our universal provision ensures that all learners can access common opportunities in ways relevant to their needs. 


ALN Code (2021) sets out its aims that underpin an inclusive ALN System.​


‘To support the creation of a fully inclusive education system where all learners are given the opportunity to succeed and have access to an education that meets their needs and enables them to participate in, benefit from, and enjoy learning. ’ ​

What is Universal Provision?

Universal Provision is the responsibility of all teachers and staff within a mainstream school to make learning and the environment as accessible as possible for all learners.


Targeted Provision is initiated when a learner is identified as having an ALN and an ALP is needed. This Additional Learning Provision is identified and detailed in the learner’s Individual Development Plan (IDP).


Specialist Provision will be in place for those learners with severe and complex ALN. There will be a need for Local Authority and multi-agency involvement to support the IDP.

CYP with severe/complex ALN, which requires sustained and specialist interventions.

The ALP is delivered by specialist. CYP may require specialist placement and a multi-agency approach required.

A short-term targeted intervention may be appropriate to support learning difficulties, or long-term support where ALN is identified which requires ALP.

A school based IDP is only required for the latter.

CYP has an emerging need requiring additional short term support in specific areas of concern.

One page profile and mainstream support.

Support for the whole population i.e. whole class or whole setting/school. Ensuring all children have appropriate support provided through good teaching and learning. This extends to identifying emerging needs that may require additional support.

Targeted ALN
Identified Needs

Early Intervention Level

Specialist Levels

Universal Level

Universal Provision at Birchgrove

Our Intervention Programmes:

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