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Birchgrove Primary Welcome

ALN Code and Regulations

ALN Code for Wales 2021

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From January 2021 there is a statutory duty for all maintained schools and PRUs in Wales to designate a person, or more than one person, to be known as an Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator, ALNCo who will have responsibility for co-ordinating provision for pupils with ALN.


The ALNCo role will replace the existing non-statutory Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) role which exists in most maintained schools in Wales.


At Birchgrove Primary School, we have an ALNCo. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask to speak to the ALNCo who is always happy to help. 


ALN is everybody’s business,  all staff who work with children and young people with ALN at Birchgrove Primary School have a responsibility for ensuring that their learners’ needs are identified and provided for.

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